
Watch the video and complete the activities within the video. Remember you can pause and rewind if you need to.


For an extra reading activity, click on the video link below and complete the activities. Remember you can pause and rewind if you need to.


Please watch the video below.

After you have watched the video above, please complete the worksheet questions from the link below. Remember you can always go back to the video to help you, or even try to do it in stages.

When you have finished your Maths work, have a go at marking your answers. What grade would you give yourself if you were marking as a teacher?


Check Purple Mash '2Dos' for your Geography task today. This looks at how we use water. If at school, you can complete this activity on Purple Mash, and I will print this off to add to your book.  


Mr Shepherd has created a virtual music lesson all about the musical language we use in school. Click on the link below to watch lesson four and complete the quiz.

Please check your Purple Mash '2Dos' to see any other activities you may have.

Emmaus CMAC
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