Tuesday 23/2/21


Alternative spelling patterns for /j/ soft g spellings lesson 2

Soft g  for /J/ sound: 

/-ge/ as in barge or orange;   /-dge/ as in badge;  

Watch the videos below


Complete the alternative spelling pattern sheet 2  for /j/ sound.



Lesson 2: To tell a created story from memory.

In this lesson, we will hear, map, step and speak our recycled stories.

Watch the video in the link below, and complete the activities within it.

Write today's date and lesson title at the top of your written work.


T: Comparing Heights - Activity

Please watch the video lesson in the link below and complete the activities within it. There is no worksheet today.




T: To know what Lent is.


Watch the video and the lesson slides about Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Then complete the Lent questions on the worksheet.





You might want to go onto Purple Mash and chose an activity to do. 

Remember to check the 2Do's to see if there is an activity assigned to you.


Phonics Play are giving free access to their site. This has various games and activities which you can use to practice your phonic skills.

Their website is : www.phonicsplay.co.uk  

Login details are:   Username : jan21     password: home


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