Tuesday 2/3/21


This week we are learning about the alternative spelling patterns for the long /oo/ and /yoo/ sound.

Today we will look at /ew/ as in new; flew;  and /u-e/ as in cube; tube; and /eu/ as in Europe; feud;

Watch the videos below to help you with the spellings.

Watch and listen to the spelling stories in the videos below. 

How many long /yoo/ words can you hear and see? 

Can you make a list of them?

Can you use some in sentences of your own?  or can you make up your own short story using them?


Complete the alternative spelling pattern sheet for /yoo/ with the spellings /ew/  /u-e/ and /eu/



Lesson 7: To explore how writers create vivid description 

In this lesson you will be reading as a writer and thinking about the choices that writers make in order to create amazing descriptions.

You will identify descriptions of characters using the 5 senses and use the senses description toolkit to show how writers create vivid descriptions.


Write today's date and lesson title at the top of your written work.


T: To measure length (2)

Watch and complete the activities within the videolesson, before completing the questions on the worksheet.



Jesus and the Children

T: To know Jesus loves everyone, especially children and wants us all to be part of his family.

Jesus said 'Let the children come to me, do not stop them, the kingdom of God belongs to people who are like the little children.'

Today's message is 'Children like me are welcome in God's family.

Watch and listen to the story of Jesus and the children, in the video below. Then complete this task.


Imagine you were amongst the children who came to see Jesus.

What would you want to say/tell him?

Complete the sheet below the video.



During Lent Jesus went into the wilderness to pray - to talk and listen to God. Prayer is an opportunity for us to talk and listen to Jesus. Try to say a special prayer every day in Lent. 




You might want to go onto Purple Mash and chose an activity to do. 

Remember to check the 2Do's to see if there is an activity assigned to you.


Phonics Play are giving free access to their site. This has various games and activities which you can use to practice your phonic skills.

Their website is : www.phonicsplay.co.uk  

Login details are:   Username : jan21     password: home


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