Thursday 25/2/21


Spelling patterns for /ul/ sound at the end of words (sheet 2)

   Today we are looking at words spelt with:

     /-al/ as in final  or signal;  /-il/ as in evil or fossil;  


Sorry there is no video today.

Complete the sheet below



Lesson 4 title: To use repetition for description (including -est suffix)

In this lesson, we will explore how we can use repetition to create effects in our descriptions.

Watch the video lesson below and complete the activity within it.

Write today's date and lesson title at the top of your written work


T: To measure length using non-standard units - Activity.

Watch the lesson video in the link below and complete teh activities within it.

There is no worksheet today.



T: Choices 

Lent is the time when we remember Jesus going into the wilderness. He went to pray to God and think about what God wanted him to do.

Watch the video story of Jesus in the Wilderness.

In the story we learn that Jesus resisted temptation. He had choices to make, and he made the right choices, because he knew what God would want him to do.

We all have choices to make in our everday lives.

For example: We can choose to listen to our parents and our teachers. We can choose to play nicely with our friends. We can choose to be kind and helpful; or polite to others.

Sometimes we make a good choice, but sometimes we make a bad/wrong choice. 


Task: Complete the sheet 'making a choice'

Draw and write about an example of someone making a bad choice. Then draw and write about someone making a good choice.  


There are 3 things we try to do during Lent.

1. fasting (giving something up);

2. giving to others

3. praying.

Often when people give something up for Lent – e.g. chocolate/ crisps, they save the money they would have spent on these things and give it to charity.

But you can also give in other ways e.g. helping others – such as helping at home (lay the table each day; cleaning/tidying; working in the garden; help wash the car).

During Lent we also try to pray more often or more regularly.


Task: Think about what you are going to do during Lent.

Write a Lenten promise about what you are going to try to do during Lent.

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