Monday 1/3/21


This week we will be learning about the alternative spelling patterns for the long /oo/ and /yoo/ sound.

Today we will look at /u/ as in uniform; computer;

and  /-ue/ as in value; rescue;

Watch the videos below to help you with the spellings.



Watch and listen to the spelling stories in the videos below. 

How many long /yoo/ words can you hear and see? 

Can you make a list of them?

Can you use some in sentences of your own?  or can you make up your own short story using them?


Complete the alternative spelling pattern sheet for /yoo/ with the spellings /u/-ue/

Ask an adult to read the instructions to you (see below and the sheet).

1) underline all the different spellings for /yoo/ sound in the word lists.

Practise reading all the words in the lists (sound out and blend) to yourself first. Then read them to an adult - tick the ones you read correctly.

2) Underline all the different spellings for /yoo/ sound in the passage (text) . Then read the text. 

3) In the last box, write a sentence using a word/words from the lists and draw a picture to go with it (illustrate it). 


Choose words from each list and write sentences for each one.

Remember to use joined/best handwriting, a capital letter at the beginning of your sentence, word spaces and a full stop at the end of your sentence.


Weekly spelling - Vocabulary in Action

This weeks spelling focuses on /yoo/ and /oo/ sounds spelt with the split digraph 'u-e' 

Below is the home learning sheet - 'Vocabulary in action', with this weeks words for you to learn and practice. 



Awongalema - recycled/recreated story

Lesson 6: To box up for a purpose

In this lesson we will listen to our new recycled story again, we will think about the beginning, middle and end part of our story and box up the different sections.

You have a new teacher this week for your lessons!  

Watch the video lesson in the link below and complete the activities within it.

Write today's date and the lesson title at the top of your written work



T: Measuring length - Introducing the ruler

Watch the video lesson in the link below and complete the actities within it.

There is no worksheet today.

Challenge - Practice using your ruler to measure things you can find around the classroom/at home

Story time and Art

Watch and listen to the story  'The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister'.


Rainbow Fish learnt that when he shared his most prized possession it made him feel happier.

I think that his scales could represent more than just objects and things. It could be a talent that you share with others to make them happy.

Just think of all the wonderful authors who share their stories with us, and the illustrators who help bring the stories to life for us to enjoy.

I have always enjoyed hearing and reading stories and I'm sure you do to. There are so many books and stories to choose from! We are so lucky!

I wonder what story you will hear or read next? 


Art activity

I would like you to design and create your own fish.

You can use any media and technique to create your fish. e.g draw, colour, paint, collage,or make a model.

Things to think about:

What shape will it be? What colours will it be? What will you use to create it? 

I wonder what you will choose?

I can't wait to see your creations!


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